Grant Program Provides iPads to Vermont Schools
The Vermont Lottery and Vermont Agency of Education announce Charleston Elementary School of Charleston, Vermont, as the first winner of the Educate/Innovate Grant Program. This is the first of what is expected to be a twice-annual award.
The program, funded by the Vermont Lottery, will provide a cart of 20 iPad devices to the school in support of their proposal, which has eighth graders working with elders in their community to explore the differences in how communication has changed over time. The project proposed, entitled Elders Among Us: Building Bridges, Breathing History will commence in the coming school year and employs the iPads as an integral part of the process.
The winning proposal states:
“This will be a large-scale, project-based learning experience in which 8th grade students will be using emerging technology to help them consider the nature of cultural change, the ongoing evolution of communication, and the wisdom that comes with historical perspective.”
The plan is to interview community “elders” and produce a digital e-book that will also be printed; and a podcast series that focuses on the steps of this learning experience as it unfolds. The Vermont Lottery will be working closely with school leaders in the next month to arrange for delivery of the devices and schedule a press event at the school to celebrate the start of this exciting endeavor.
The Agency of Education and Vermont Lottery will keep abreast of the project progress. There will also be another opportunity for schools to be part of this grant program this fall. Future lottery marketing campaigns may feature the schools’ use of the new technology.
The goals of this new grant program are twofold: to build public awareness on how the Vermont Lottery supports education, and to aid schools by providing technology that can support student learning.
For information about the program, contact Executive Director Greg Smith at the offices of the Vermont Lottery at or (802) 476-0100.